I've been creating a new game kind of in my mind for awhile. I've finally decided to pen code to screen and mock up a short little demo of some of the game. Click on the link to download it. Please comment and let me know what you think.
Your escape pod engines are out of power... but your laser still works.
Navigate the world using your laser to collect crystals to upgrade up your ship. Unlock more levels and discover unique enemies. Bosses are found at levels 25, 50, 75 and 100. Go from cautiously mining crystals to searching for treasure chests to blowing up enemies to running for your life. Very challenging game that could take several hours per completion. This is really a combat prototype of my up coming game. Music by: Lee Rosevere Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Music_For_Podcasts/ New Game Release on Google Play: Square Cram
I created this game in one day as a brain stretching exercise. One of these days a 48 Hour game jam might be in my future. I'm not sure how my wife would feel about me locking myself in my office for 2 days. I've always found Tetris like games amusing. Not only for the game itself but also for social aspect of it. If you have ever played Tetris in front of people you'll get so many 'suggestions' where to place pieces it will drive you crazy. If you are on the non-playing end you will go insane with how stupidly people put their pieces. Later levels add more trees and cars to increase difficulty. Also not yet implemented is the frog lives. You will be given a certain number of lives for the frog. If you lose them all you will have to restart the level over. The development of Frozen Frogger is an experiment and brain stretching exercise for me. I like to see if I can mash up two or more game concepts and see if they work. For example: Tower Defense and Match 3 game. Let me know what you think about this mash up of Frogger and turn based tactical games. Check out the game play video below. I got the controls working really well for the mobile version of SH (Space Hexplorer). The left stick is the thrusters and the right stick is the direction the ship is facing. I will include a setting screen to adjust the size of circles as well as swap the controls for goofy-fingered players. Also I used an app called REC on the android market which works wonders for screen recording. Enjoy the video below: I renamed GeomSpace to Space Hexplorer (still might rename it again :) New Game Play video. You might notice a graphic change in this video. I am experimenting with changing the shapes into different colors hex grids. Also by switching to vector graphics I've seen a boost in frame rate. It might be hard to see in the video because it is very grainy but I've also changed the background from black to a dark gray. Also the build space for the ship has increased by two grids in the width and the height. The idea here is to make the ship designs more unique. Also still working on screen capturing software so the videos might look twitchy. The gamepaly is very smooth. I've always loved stretching my programming mind with game mash-ups. Most I've never completed finished/polished enough for release but I think that might change. My newest mash-up is a Frogger/tactical game called "Frozen Frogger".
Frozen Frogger is a mash-up game between frogger and tactical games like Frozen Synapse. You must plan your frogs moves to get across the road. Pick up Stars to unlock achievements and different frogs. You will have 5-7 lives (still working on the balance) before you have to start the level over again. Game can have unlimited levels, because they are procedurally generated, but I plan on capping it around 100. Achievements will be on three tracks levels, stars, and frog deaths. Read more for screen shots... The game currently has the development title "Geom Space". It combines some of my previously un-released space game concepts such as the physics engine, collapsible fixtures, state based AI (chase, orbit, run, strafe). I am planning on having several arcade like game modes with an upgrade system. A "Free Build" mode that allows you to freely build ships and spawn enemies. A "Chameleon Mode" where you and the AI are given a set of blocks and you have to build a ship and battle. "Survival Mode" with waves and build/re-build sections in-between. This mode will also have a leader board. Also a mode that is called "Gladiator Mode" where you are put in a random ship and are pitted in a small arena with teams. Every mode (but "free mode") will gain you credits in which you can spend on leveling up your equipment. This might be a cool game to have an open world / sand box game. If I went that route I'd probably ask for some funding from the Kickstarter realm. I'll probably record some game play and put a video up here so you can see my progress. I've only been working on this for 2 days now.
I've finished uploading all the sounds and graphics for the initial release. Only animals will be included in the first release with letters and numbers to come in a subsequent update. Look for a release to the Android store in the next couple of days.
Thanks to my wonderfully talented sister for helping me out with this one. |
October 2016
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